Thursday, 14 May 2020

Times Were So Tough, But Not as Tough as They Are Now

The cancer that attacked your lung last year, then moved to your brain, has finally taken you. We'd been given notice that the end might be near, but nevertheless we're reeling. The one comforting aspect in all this is that you were at home with your amazing wife and daughter at the end, not locked down and out of reach in hospital.

Inevitably, since the news came through, I've been poring over photos, reigniting memories of when the five of us really were as thick as thieves - the fun, laughter, jaunts, music and, it has to be said, substantial quantities of alcohol. One day I'd like to be able write more about you and our exploits, but right now the words won't come.

We had some bustin' times though didn't we?

The Jam - Thick as Thieves


Swiss Adam said...

Sorry for your loss Swede. The song really does sum up those heady days of youth and friendship bonds.

drew said...

Truly sorry for your loss Swede. Condolences to all family and friends

C said...

So sorry to hear this TS. Whenever you feel ready to write more about him I know it will be a beautiful read and a perfect tribute to your friendship; in the meantime sending heartfelt condolences. Take care.

Martin said...

Condolences, Swede. " turns out, just for a while..."

Charity Chic said...

The loss of close friends can hit you just as hard as family.
Sorry to here this. In time you will be able to look back and laugh at the happy times

Ernie Goggins said...


Walter said...

Sorry for your loss Swede and condolences to all family and friends.

Alyson said...

So sorry to hear of your sad loss, but like you, glad he was able to be at home with his loved ones. One day you will be able to write the stories and you will know when the time is right.

Rol said...

Very sad to hear this. When will there be good news?

Take care.

Brian said...

Ah, Swede. The road has been way too bumpy these last couple of years. You're in my thoughts.

The Swede said...

Thanks everyone. Some may remember one of my small gang of chums had emergency open heart surgery last year. Just as he began his ongoing strong recovery, word reached us that another of our number (the only one of us who never smoked) had been diagnosed with lung cancer. It was a double whammy. Sadly, as one friend improved, the other deteriorated, the cancer metastasised. He would've joined the 60 club in July and in September he and his wife would've celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. Back in 1986 I was honoured to be his best man.

John Medd said...

There are no words. I'll raise a glass to your friend this evening.

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