Everyone has one. At least one. One particular
item of food (or drink) that can't be faced and
who's taste turns the stomach. I have a friend
who gags at the mere thought of carrots - which
baffles me. I think of carrots as being crunchy
orange water, innocuous enough and a good
addition to a salad. He, however, will sit and
pull every grated morsel from a meal before
continuing - or better still leave the meal
altogether, as he claims that he can taste the
carrot residue. He is equally bemused by my
The bane of my life is the humble mushroom - or
the devil's shite, as I like to call it. Just
typing the word 'mushroom' makes me feel uneasy,
the smell makes me nauseous and if I ever
unknowingly put a piece in my mouth...well, you
can imagine the results. This unfortunate set of
circumstances wouldn't be so bad were I not a
vegetarian - not so difficult now perhaps, but
when eating out at the dawn of the 1990s, the
veggie option (if indeed there was one at all)
would invariably consist of a big pile of 'em, in
one form or another. Even now though, when dining
in an unadventurous pub, I'll find I have a
choice of mushroom stroganoff or veggie chili,
the latter sounding great, until I discover that
it, too, is loaded with the ghastly fungus.
On my gastronomic journey through life thus far,
I've managed to overcome a handful of similar,
though not quite as extreme, food hurdles, not
least of which is the tomato, one of which I was
literally forced to eat, despite my tears, by an
unpleasant teacher whilst on a school trip when I
was five years old. Looking back, I honestly
believe that single event had a profound effect
on me and it's only in the past ten years or so
that I've been able to ween myself onto tomatoes,
in any kind of solid form. I always knew I'd eat
them one day though, I just had to keep working
at it. Not so the mushroom. I know for certain
that I'll never have a deep, fulfilling
relationship with a shiitake or button or
Excuse me, I'm feeling a little unwell.
(These ramblings were inspired by this terrific post)
Friday, 24 August 2012
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Have you tried 'magic mushrooms' and turn the music up!
Seriously I don't have any real dislikes, just like or dislike some things more or less than others.
A nice big thick Argentinian steak medium rare...mmmmmmh!
OPC - needless to say, there was never any danger of me getting into magic mushrooms, however good they might have made music sound!
As for steak...I feel queasy just thinking about it!
Ha ha! So I can't tempt you to my broccoli, letuce AND mushroom surprise, then?
It is funny though how some seemingly innocuous foods just have that effect. I must say I do love mushrooms, but I can sort of understand how one might not, because they are fungus after all...
I have a problem with raw celery - although I like it cooked or souped, weird that.
Btw, I had completely forgotten Tones On Tail and was stunned at hearing that again after so long and how familiar it was, what a memory-jogger!
(And a big thank you too...)
Don't mind the taste of mushroom (what little taste they do have) but I'll admit the rubbery texture is hardly a delight. I'm also a vegetarian of long standing and empathize completely regarding the problems of eating out in unimaginative places (i.e. most pubs). I can't stand cucumber myself. Just don't see the point of it.
C - Raw celery? Lovely! Essentially crunchy water again, but I like it's fresh taste. Glad you enjoyed the tune. I never got into Bauhaus or Love & Rockets, but have always enjoyed Tones on Tail. Definitely a touch of Syd era Floyd about 'Slender Fungus' don't you think?
SB - To use current teen shorthand...OMG!!! Mushrooms have an overwhelming taste, not to mention the rancid stench! (Did I mention I don't like mushrooms?)
I know where you're coming from with cucumber though. I'm ok with it. If it's there I'll eat it, but if it isn't I don't miss it.
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