Tuesday 20 September 2022

Red Gold & Green #34 - Junior Byles

It's a long held belief among a couple of my closest friends, that I'd been unwittingly clobbered by Covid very early on - here in fact. I never saw it myself and until now I'd always put my physical and mental collapse at the very end of 2019 down to the aftershocks of the personal annus horribilis I'd just endured. Today though, as I emerge blinking and bewildered into the daylight following a 100% guaranteed, 10-day bout with the aforementioned C19, I'm forced to re-evaluate that earlier illness. My main symptoms in each case were virtually identical - a complete loss of appetite, mad, feverish dreams (to the point of doubting reality) and incredible amounts of sweating (seriously, where does all that liquid come from?) So perhaps my chums were right all along and I was indeed among the first of us to have had a brush with this dreadful virus three years ago.

Here's the great Junior Byles, produced by the legendary Lee Perry, back in the halcyon days of 1972.

Junior Byles - Fever  


Charity Chic said...

Get well soon Swede

The Swede said...

I'm coming out the other end thanks CC. Managed 5 hours at work today.

Alyson said...

Gosh, get well soon. Sounds horrible and yes, it seems it's your second brush with the pesky virus. Let's hope there won't be a third.

C said...

Aargh, so sorry to hear that, certainly does sound like you had it right at the start too before any of us knew what was just around the corner. Good to know you're coming out the other side but don't overdo it, it's just not worth it!

Swiss Adam said...

Glad you're on the mend. I think there was more of it about in late 2019 than anyone really knows.

Khayem said...

Sorry to hear about your second bout of Covid, Swede. It still seems to be having an impact where I work, harder to tell for sure as so few people are testing now but the lasting/after effects suggests it's C19 and not common colds or other bugs. Hoping you're feeling much better, another week on, and thanks for the mighty music selection, undimmed even in your fevered state!

The Swede said...

Thanks one and all. I had a bit of a relapse at the end of the week, but am hopefully through it all now. I'll find out when I return to work tomorrow!

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