Tuesday 27 May 2014

Toumani and Sidiki Diabaté

The Kora is a beautiful and mysterious instrument. It faces towards the player, who makes very little physical movement, yet simultaneously creates the rhythm, melody and improvisational flourishes for each piece. There are no pedals, gadgets or loops, just 21 strings.

The oral history of Toumani Diabaté's Malian family tells that he is the 71st consecutive generation of musician in a patrilineal line. Last Thursday evening he appeared in concert with the 72nd generation, his son Sidiki. Toumani, probably the world's greatest living exponent of the Kora, provided the gravitas and experience, while Sidiki, encouraged by his Father, pushed, prodded and improvised in a slightly more attacking fashion, driving his tradition forward. Together, the music they made verged on the other-worldly.


Anonymous said...

Really lovely. Sounds like you had a swell time. 72 generations? That's amazing.

Old Pa's Corner said...

You certainly are a busy (lucky guy) all these great concerts. As SB says 72 generations...that must be older than Moses

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