The first time I saw Hawkwind live in concert was 8 months after my family had relocated
from London to Ipswich. My mate and I were
each 15 years of age and found that our
tickets for the show had us placed in the
same row, but on either side of the aisle.
Sat on my right, exuding patchouli, was an
exotic young lady, perhaps a couple of years
older than me, wearing a cheesecloth shirt
that virtually matched my own (this
was 1975
folks!) and very little else. Soon after
taking my seat, she began to lean into me,
linking her arm through mine and talking
quietly, close to my ear, in a slow, husky
drawl. My pal across the aisle looked on in
envy, while I beamed over at him in gloating
disbelief, despite feeling way out of my
depth in this highly charged situation.
An hour or so later, when Hawkwind took to
the stage, the audience rose to their feet
as one. I tried to stand, but the young lady
grabbed me, pulled me back into my seat,
held me close, looked deeply into my eyes,
threw up all over me and passed out face
first in my lap. A security guy was on the
spot and took her out to the foyer of the
venue, where she quickly recovered, having
'overdone it' earlier in the evening. I
washed my clothes as best I could under the
tap in the toilet, but was a bit of a smelly
mess for the remainder of the gig - it was a
dank, sweaty, dry-ice clouded affair though,
so I doubt if anyone noticed the additional
fug in the air. My mate thoroughly enjoyed
my misfortune and can still be relied upon
to recount the story with amused relish 38
years later.

A quick flick through old ticket stubs and
diary entries confirms that I saw Hawkwind
in concert on five separate occasions
between 1975 and 1979, the first four of
which featured the unique presence of
novelist, poet, singer, songwriter, and
showman, Robert Calvert in the driving seat.
I initially picked up on Calvert a full two
years before the evening of the vomitus
maximus incident, via a 7" single purchased
for 12p in late 1973, from the reduced price
section at Woolworth's in Walthamstow. I must
have been aware of 'Silver Machine' at the
time, but that was the extent of my Hawkwind
knowledge, so I have no idea what attracted
me to the fantastic 'Ejection' by Captain
Lockheed & the Starfighters (essentially
Hawkwind plus Twink and minus Dave Brock),
perhaps the oddity of a, then rarely seen,
picture sleeve single. Over the past 40
years, the song has been described variously
as kraut rock, space rock, even nascent punk
rock. It's all of these and more.
Robert Calvert died from a heart attack in
1988 aged just 44. Had he lived, today would
have marked his 69th birthday, so here's a
little something extra to remember him by,
'Spirit of the Age', a Hawkwind classic from