Sunday 16 April 2017

57 Not Out

Somehow, don't ask me exactly how it happened, I seem to have reached the grand old age of 57. Last time I checked, I could've sworn I was hovering somewhere around my late thirties. In spite of previously doubting and poo-pooing the notion, it appears that the passage of time really does speed up as you get older. These days time doesn't so much pass, as hurtle by.

Whenever either of our respective birthdays roll around, Mrs S & I generally take ourselves off to the coast for the day to eat some chips, drink a beer, mooch about for a bit, then come home - the simple pleasures. This year, following several months of niggling health issues, we've decided to push the boat out a bit more than usual. As you read these words, we're on the last full day of a short break in deepest North Norfolk. We found a little bolthole a couple of years ago and remarkably it wasn't booked out for the Easter weekend. It's a self contained cabin in the middle of nowhere - a perfect base for exploring the coast, taking quiet country walks or simply staying put and chilling on the porch with a celebratory birthday beverage.

The Birthday Party - Happy Birthday


FurryBootsCityBoy said...

A very Happy Birthday to you. May your day be filled with 57 varieties of fun! (sorry about that)

Echorich said...

Happiest Birthday Wishes!!! Whatever you do or don't do, enjoy it!

Jez said...

Happy Birthday mate!

Brian said...

Hope you and yours are having a lovely day. All the best, Swede.

Ramone666 said...

Congrats mate, have a good one!

Walter said...

Happy birthday mate. Enjoy the time and stay at best health.

drew said...

Happy birthday Swede and I hope you have had a great weekend. I agree regarding time hurtling by.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Swede. Enjoy your weekend.
Swiss Adam

C said...

Happy birthday! Time does indeed hurtle by; I seem to remember a birthday party in a record shop by the sea that doesn't seem all that long ago!
Hope you and Mrs S are having a wonderful time - a cabin in the wilds of North Norfolk sounds like the place to be :-)

Alyson said...

Happy birthday! I think we deduced a little while back that you are only 50 days ahead of me and I so agree about the whole hurtling thing! That said, time to make the most of it so enjoy your weekend in North Norfolk with Mrs S. Not so much a cabin in the woods probably, being Norfolk, but a lovely cabin in the wilds.

Anonymous said...

That cabin sounds amazing, always fancied staying in one myself but have never got round to it.

Have a good 'un.


George said...

"chips, drink a beer, mooch"
Someone should write a song about that.
Happy Birthday. (I liked that Golden Smog track yesterday, by the way, it's better than the original......)

Anonymous said...

Very many happy returns of the day. Here's to the next fifty at least.

John Medd said...

Bloody hell fire; as my appointed sherpa, this means that you've already reached the summit. I can just about make out your flag, but may need coaxing up the last few hundred feet.

TheRobster said...

Sounds like heaven to me. Happy birthday old chap. Oh, when I say 'old', I don't mean... oh never mind...

Charity Chic said...

Happy birthday Swede. Hope you and Mrs Swede enjoy the break

JTFL said...

57's a fine old number, be there in just a few -- happy birthday, Swede!

Rol said...

Happy birthday, Swede. I hope you've had time to check out North Norfolk Digital. We're going there this summer too, largely inspired by that radio station.

The Swede said...

It's Tuesday evening and, a little latter than anticipated, I'm back at my keyboard after our North Norfolk break. Luckily I had the foresight to schedule today's post to tide me over until normal service is resumed. Many thanks to one and all for the warm birthday greetings - you made an old man very happy.

Chris said...

Belated Happy Birthday Mr S! Nick Cave definitely had a wild side in those days. I've been meaning to check out those Birthday Party albums, woof-noises and all.

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