Friday 26 August 2022

Friday Photo #26

My mate and I have been going to FolkEast for several years now and, creatures of habit that we are, we always pitch our tents next to each other in the same location, backed right up against a wire fence, facing out across the sea of canvas and campervans. It's a good spot to be in, on the very edge of the site a decent walk from the hustle and bustle of the arena, within reasonable staggering distance of a block of toilets and showers, but far enough away from them that we aren't affected by the inevitable occasional queues and smells. When we arrived on site last Thursday afternoon, on a whim I suggested that we pitch in the usual place, but facing the other way for a change. I don't quite know why it's taken all these years for one of us to make what in retrospect seems such a glaringly obvious suggestion, but the glorious view that greeted us as we crawled, bleary-eyed, from our respective tents on Friday morning ensured that we'll never pitch facing into the camping site again.

King Tubby - Dub With a View


C said...

And a perfect slice of dub to go with it.

Rol said...

I can't see the fence.

Swiss Adam said...

Greta photo Swede. Lovely piece of dub too.

John Medd said...

What Rol said: where's the fence?

Alyson said...

Artistic licence with the fence obviously or clever photography, peeping through the mesh. Perfect view so now you know for the future. Hope it went well and you enjoyed being back at such a big event.

The Swede said...

Haha! When there's no festival going on, it's a livestock field and the 4ft tall wire fence is there to separate the herds of cattle. It's actually an electric fence, though naturally the charge was turned off for the duration of our stay!

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