Monday, 23 December 2024

Monday Long Song

My online presence has been lower than ever during 2024, which I'm sure has helped me to end up in a better place mentally than at any time over the previous few years, though it's had the knock-on effect of having a drastically reduced engagement with the blogging community. I'd like to find a way to ease my way back into the game to some extent in 2025, if I'm at all able. I'll certainly give it a go anyhow.

Meanwhile, a handful of my favourite albums of 2024 have only put in an appearance very late in proceedings. Indeed one of them hasn't actually arrived yet and another isn't even scheduled for a physical release until March, but more of that in due course, all being well. Looming large in my heart and ears over the past couple of months has been 'The Way Out of Easy', a new double LP from Jeff Parker & ETA IVtet. Parker is perhaps most widely known as the guitarist with Tortoise since the late 1990s, though he's a prolific collaborator, having worked with the likes of Isotope 217, Joshua Abrams and Bill Callahan over the years.

The four side-long tunes on 'The Way Out of Easy' were recorded in a single day and although largely improvised, exhibit a meandering accessibility, thanks to an unhurried inter-band familiarity between the four musicians involved. It's a sublime thing.

Wishing you and yours a happy, peaceful festive season, however you choose to spend it.

Jeff Parker &ETA IVtet - Freakadelic


Martin said...

Much as your more regular posts are missed, being in a better place mentally is definitely more important. More power to you!

Rol said...

Happy Christmas, Swede. Glad things are looking up.

C said...

Lovely to see you hear again and I second the above comments. As someone whose blogging activity has diminished considerably lately I hope I can take inspiration from your words and be rather more active in '25 too!
Have a good one from me and Mr SDS.

Charity Chic said...

Merry Christmas to you Swede and thanks for the card

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Swede, glad you're in a better place. It's always good to hear from you however frequent or infrequent that is.
Swiss Adam

Alyson said...

Merry Christmas TS.

Don't push it if you're not inclined in 2025. We'll be pleased to hear from you however regularly you decide to drop by.

Khayem said...

Thanks for your posts this year, TS. There’s something just in the anticipation of a post, but when it comes…you do not disappoint. Wishing you a very special Christmas and a very happy New Year!

Rol said...

Happy New Year, Swede!

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