Saturday, 1 March 2014
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Last week came the shocking news that David Johansen has been privately battling stage 4 cancer for a decade and a brain tumour for the past...
I felt every one of my 58 years earlier this week, when telling a couple of work colleagues the name of the artist I was going to see i...
Somehow, don't ask me exactly how it happened, I seem to have reached the grand old age of 57. Last time I checked, I could've sw...
Following our move out to the sticks in 2011, on one of our first ventures into the local small market town up the road, Mrs S & I decid...
My first guitar, April 1963. Regrets, I've had a few...and aside from all the many thoughtless things I've said and done throug...
Bugger! It's St. David's Day and I'd forgotten. Perhaps I'll put that right later. The top one is utterly new to me and very groovy. I have two 'funny' stories about the other two artists, both of whom I admire for some of their work. I once 'supported' Heather Jones (OK, I dragged myself up as a floor singer) at a gig she did at some crummy hole in Cardiff about seven years ago. I only did two songs, I expect she thought I was terrible. She was in full Welsh folk mode but the track here is really nice. If your interested, the songs I did were Richard Thompson's 'Waltzing's For Dreamers' and 'The Train Song' by The Roches, which I kind of screwed up due to drunkeness. As for Euros, I was once stood behind him in the queue to see Bob in Cardiff and he was trying to convince his mates he had some kind of access to an 'after-show' and they would have to say they were so and so etc. Did he really think Bob would be there? I couldn't help laughing. Good artist, though, especially with Gorky's.
Singing Bear the solo years - I think we should be told! Come to think of it, we've heard precious little about The Singing Bears or any of the other bands you've hinted at. Great tales and great song choices - any recorded evidence?
I'll will admit that there is a little recorded evidence (under a different moniker, oddly) of what the Bears got up to but the results were so bad that I now have a the few remaining copies locked in a lead vault. We let ourselves down very badly when it came to putting something down for posterity. A few copies are out there and I hope they never surface to haunt me. Maybe we were just better live - or drunk. The old friend who made up the other half of our duo (when we weren't a trio, which we were for a time) is still doing bits and pieces but the old 'artistic differences' have made us go our separate ways long ago. This is a long way of saying, we were crap and didn't know it. I woke up. Not sure if he has.
A - new to me, I like it
HJ - new also, also like it
EC - 3 out of 3
Great stories there SB
Oh my word! Just stumbled onto your blog and found the Samantha Crain post which I really liked so tweeted about that, then I came back and found the brilliant Heather Jones song of which ditto (I'm not usually so excitable!)and THEN saw the Euros Childs vid and I thought I'm going to have great fun checking your other stuff out. It's not my birthday until September but it sure feels like it today. Many thanks
Thanks for your kind words Verity. The blog isn't much, but it's home to me! I hope you find something you enjoy.
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