Monday 2 October 2023

Monday Long Song

'Free', recorded in 1989 and issued on the soundtrack of the awful 1990 film 'Flashback', was the parting shot from the classic line-up of Big Audio Dynamite. Later in 1990 a new recording of the song, rechristened 'Kickin' In', appeared on 'Kool Aid', the first LP by Mick Jones' raw recruits now trading as Big Audio Dynamite II. In 1991 the same song surfaced once again on their live 'Ally Pally Paradiso' album, though by this time, somewhat confusingly, it had reverted to its original moniker, 'Free'.

Here's that 1989 swansong from the original BAD.

Big Audio Dynamite - Free


Swiss Adam said...

I'm a big fan of this song, less so the film, but the song is a minor BAD classic.

John Medd said...

I know he's still very much with us but I can't wait to read his memoirs.

Khayem said...

I don't think I've ever seen Flashback. Dennis was appearing in some real stinkers in the late 80s/early 90s and I wasn't a huge fan of Kiefer Sutherland so it wouldn't have been an immediate draw, even on VHS, if I'm honest.

Free is another matter entirely, although I'll confess I heard Kickin' In first. Whilst BAD Mk I were untouchable, Kool-Aid by BAD Mk II was a pretty decent album. The original Mk I version of Free is brilliant, of course.

Delighted to flick through weekend TV and see Don Letts on Sunday Brunch. I saved it to watch later just so that I don't have to sit through the whole thing for what may cumulatively amount to about 5 mins of Don. But hey, a great booking, whatever the reason!

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