On his BBC Radio 6Music breakfast show, Shaun Keaveny runs a regular feature called 'Small Claims Court', during which
listeners call in with true-life, but ridiculously tenuous, brushes with the rich and famous - very small claims to fame. A
personal example would be that I once had a double espresso made for me by Kyp Malone of TV on the Radio.
Then there was the time in 1997, when I pulled into the car park beneath the Bournemouth International Centre prior to a
Bob Dylan show, to find a lady having trouble with an uncooperative pay & display machine. The lady was PJ Harvey and by our
combined efforts we managed to coax that pay & display machine back into action.
Finally, about 10 years ago, I attended the launch of a Sesame Street DVD at a small theatre in New York, with my cousin and
her young children. The bash was for media personalities and their kids, my cousin was invited through a friend who
worked in TV. The hundred or so assembled kids went bonkers when Ernie, Bert, Elmo and Big Bird appeared 'live' on stage before us, as part of the presentation.
A couple of rows in front of where we were seated, presumably accompanying his own child, was Martin Scorsese, who stood
several times to record the family event on a small, personal, hand-held digital camcorder, which he also panned around the
entire audience, to capture the atmosphere. I can therefore boast, in all honesty, that I have appeared in a Martin Scorsese