Last week, Nancy Wallace launched her very own Bandcamp page. Go there and you'll find 'Young Hearts', her debut solo EP from 2005 and 'Old Stories', the terrific (and still one and only) full length LP from January of 2009. You'll also be able to sample some brand new music in the form of the lovely, atmospheric 'Up on the Roof' EP, recorded in Marrakech at the beginning of this year.
The fourth title on Nancy's Bandcamp site is 'Stumbling Over Chairs', which compiles a selection of 'odds and ends recorded at various times over the past few years'. Track 6 of this compilation is one I've been trying to find for a l-o-n-g time. Put it this way, I first came across it on her MySpace page and when was the last time any of us could say that about a piece of music? If it ever had an official release, I've never managed to locate it, but now, at last, it's mine. The tune in question is 'Everything's Finer', as perfect a love song as I've ever heard. This one's for Mrs S. Always.
Absolutely lovely. I only know her from The Memory Band but have meant to check her out - now I know I HAVE to. What a voice. I will hop over to her Bandcamp page which, whilst Mrs. Bear's moratorium on new music coming into the house (unless free) continues, will have to suffice!
A new one for me TS and what a beautiful song that is too....you old romantic you....if I played that for Old Ma, she would think I am taking the P
I'm a big fan and her slim catalogue is highly recommended. I've only seen her live once, but hopefully she'll head out to my neck of the woods again someday.
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