Friday, 15 May 2015

Version City #41 - Johnny & the Attractions sing Ruby & the Romantics

Life is getting loud in our neck of the woods. Standing in the garden for 10 minutes earlier today I heard a recently returned Cuckoo sounding off a couple of fields away, admired the shrieking aerobatics of a dozen swooping, rolling Swifts overhead and watched an equal number of screaming Starlings dripping off of the coconut shell fat feeders as they squabbled to gather food for their young. A couple of the youngsters were clearly hungry and impatient though, and camped out close to the noisy throng in the garden to ensure they had first dibs at whatever treats Ma & Pa were able to grab.

Produced by the first lady of Jamaican reggae Sonia Pottinger, this is Johnny & the Attractions in 1968 with their Rocksteady reading of the 1963 Ruby & the Romantics tune, 'Young Wings Can Fly'.


Erik Bartlam said...

Put me down for Johnny and the Attractions.

It's the cicadas for us right sounds like their bombers flying overhead.

The Swede said...

Had to Google cicada and watch a video. Wish I hadn't.

Anonymous said...

Nor heard either of these before - both have their merits. Some atmospheric strings there on the original. Nancy Sinatra could have done well with this tune.

Cicadas? Don't know how Erik can stand it.

Erik Bartlam said...

Not to further hijack the post...sorry...but I love 'em. I love the sound of them. I don't know what's going on with them...if their skins getting tight, they're hungry, sex crazed...I don't know but, they'll come out of the woods like George Jones piloting a crop one way, loop, then drop and bounce of a upside down.
They'll be shedded exoskeletons everywhere soon.

C said...

I'm just in awe of this perfect photo.

I've not seen the baby starlings yet, just their squawky feisty parents taking food back to hidden nests... so the young'uns will arrive soon, no doubt; I'm preparing myself for that racket!

I envy Erik... well, of course...

The Swede said...

Exoskeletons dropping from the sky - sounds like a nightmare to me Erik!

Glad you like the photo C. They were at the other end of the garden and I had to take a lot of shots to get a usable one - the benefits of digital technology! I tried to get a shot of them being fed but it was all happening too fast! The starlings are currently getting through two ¾ coconut fat feeders per day. Our oven broke down last week, they're eating better than we are!

george said...

Great photo. We have some sparrows nesting in the eaves at the farm, which is driving the big dog crazy. And or local cafe has two sets of swallows nests under the fixed awnings, the swallows don't seem to mind the humans at all.

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