Friday 11 June 2021

Friday Photo

In an effort to give my moribund mojo a good kick up the backside, behold - a new series. Actually, the idea is so simple that even if the worst comes to the worst, my mojo can just stay skulking over there in the corner where it's been for the past couple of years, while the post takes care of itself. A photo, probably taken on my phone while out walking, or maybe an oldie retrieved from the family archive, perhaps even an anonymous antique snapshot plucked from what remains of my collection of such ephemera. To accompany it, a tune, ideally one that's at least partially inspired by the image.

It's an idea brazenly half-inched from any number of my blogging chums, not least Swiss Adam who slots one of his own excellent mid-wander shots into the majority of his posts. Here's a recent photo of mine, taken in the middle of nowhere, to kick things off.

Iron & Wine - Tree by the River


C said...

Wow, fantastic photo - definitely needs to be used as an album cover! (Full size 12" vinyl of course). My mojo is also moribund, but your idea here is great and might help give mine a kick start too...

Frank Jive said...

Nice one!

Swiss Adam said...

Brilliant pic Swede, vastly better than my efforts

The Swede said...

Thanks all. I really enjoy seeing photos taken by fellow bloggers of their own areas and surroundings. I hope my modest efforts encourage more of the same.

Brian said...

Anything to provide more Swede sightings is a great idea in my book. The song complements the photo perfectly.

John Medd said...

Two things that have pretty much kept me on the rails during the last year or so - music and photography. I've been admiring Adam's snaps for a while and now TS has stepped up - brilliant!

Alyson said...

What a great picture, and not even sure how you got the cloud to look like that but full marks. As C said, a perfect album cover shot. Might have to join in the fun as it’s always the simplest ideas that work out best.

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