Monday, 30 May 2016

Animal Collective Remix Bob Dylan

How remiss of me not to mention it. Fortunately Animal Collective didn't allow the big day to slip by unmarked. Josh Dibb and Brian Weitz (aka Deakin and Geologist) posted a remix of 'Don't Think Twice, It's Alright' to the band's Soundcloud page last Tuesday, with the following simple message attached; 'Happy 75th Birthday Bob Dylan!' And so say all of us.


Walter said...

Never heard this remix before and it is amazing. A perfect combination of the original transported into these days. A very fine tribute to Mr. Bob.

Anonymous said...

75 years. Amazing. When I first started listening to to Bob back in the 70's, I could never have imagined he would continue to be so creative into his later life. Well done and thanks to Mr. Dylan. Interesting remix. It's always good to hear that wonderful voice.

Old Pa's Corner said...

As only the AC could do. You can't say Bob's new one is bad 'cause it is not. I like it. But it all seems like a bit too easy. We need more new stuff.

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